Monday, January 18, 2016

Skillet Chicken with Mustard Cream Sauce

A few weeks ago my sister came over with my new nephew for the first time.  I decided to try out a new recipe in honor of Andrew’s first time at “Aunt Lindsay’s” house and man, it was SO good.  I have eaten chicken breast so many ways, but this mustard cream sauce (okay, probably not the healthiest thing) is AMAZING.  I literally licked the plate….and spoon, and spatula.  This was super easy and quick for a week night meal.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Garlic & Cheese Zucchini Quinoa

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…or so the saying goes.  Today is a high of 6 degrees in Chicago, and thus a perfect day to stay inside and tryout new recipes.  Today’s recipe was actually supposed to be zucchini and quinoa fritters, not a fried rice-like concoction.  Don’t get me wrong, this still tastes damn good, but every recipe doesn’t always turn out the way it is supposed to turn out.  Despite the setback, I did some quick thinking and just decided to stir it all together…appetizer turned to side dish.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

One Pan Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli with Quinoa

Well, the bone chilling cold winter finally showed up in Chicago today with highs in the teens.  I really can’t complain as it has been a pretty mild winter…I can deal with 30’s. With the chilly temps today, I decided to try a one pot healthy, but comforting, meal.  It was delish! Definitely something that would be easy for a weeknight too.  Enjoy and stay warm!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ricotta Stuffed Sweet Peppers

New year, new goals!  For my first post of 2016 I decided to go with something that was on the healthier side (this recipe is a 21 day fix recipe) but packed full of flavor to help those out there with new year resolutions like ‘eating healthier’ or ‘losing weight.’   For me those are definitely on my list as well as getting my butt back in gear in the gym.  Usually the more I cook at home vs. grabbing Chipotle on the way home is a bit friendlier on my waist, so cheers to more posts and toning up!